HAZOP Awareness Training
Aim of the Training
The aim of HAZOP Awareness Training is to ensure that all relevant personnel have a thorough understanding of hazards and operability perspectives in order to establish and maintain a process safety culture.
Who should attend
It is recommended that all personnel working in organizations aiming to establish and maintain a process safety culture, actively participate in the process. This includes both those involved in creating the culture and those who are already part of an existing process safety culture.
Training Duration
1 Day
Training Content
- Lessons Learned from Experiences
- What is HAZOP?
- In which situations is a HAZOP Study needed?
- Advantages and Disadvantages of HAZOP Study
- What are the key concepts to know in a HAZOP Study?
- Who is part of the HAZOP Team?
- How to create scenarios with HAZOP?
- What cannot be obtained with a HAZOP Study?