ATEX Awareness Training for Engineers and Managers

Aim of the Training
The aim of the ATEX Awareness Training is to provide participants with knowledge about identifying flammable chemicals that can create explosive atmospheres, determining ignition sources, classifying hazardous areas, parameters affecting zone formation, determining the physical and chemical behavior of explosive atmospheres, engineering and organizational measures against hazardous area formation and explosion, ignition sources, types of equipment protection, selection of Ex-proof equipment, installation, inspection, and maintenance of electrical equipment.
Who should attend
White-collar personnel working in areas where flammable chemicals are used, produced, and stored should attend the training.
Training Duration
2 Days

Training Content
- Legal Regulations
- Relevant Standards
- Dust Combustion and Explosion Dynamics
- Types of Hazardous Areas
- Parameters Affecting Hazardous Area Formation
- Minimum Requirements for Hazardous Areas
- Ignition Sources
- Types of Equipment Protection
- Selection of Ex-proof Equipment
- Installation of Ex-proof Equipment
- Inspection of Ex-proof Equipment
- Maintenance of Ex-proof Equipment
- ATEX Sustainability